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Less good, more Goodness.

Thoughts for the weekend:

Don't allow disappointment, failure, or set-back to control your soul. A moment(s) of failure does not alter your identity or purpose. It must not dictate your view of self or the progress you thought you had made thus far. You might be slightly confused entering the conversation on this note, but I am addressing our walking through every day life or, perhaps, a specific goal we have in mind and are working towards. I am learning the truth of this concept in every area of my life (relationships, identity, work, health, life-goals, etc.), and a little secret- it is quite liberating and empowering. In this little bit though, I would like to hone in on and simply encourage those who truly desire to walk the talk and look more like Jesus in every action, word, and relationship they find themselves.

When our actions don't align with our intent, our minds and hearts become aware of the misalignment, and one of two things can take place in that very moment. We enter a state of guilt and shame that further precipitates unproductive and unhealthy actions/mindset. Or, we take control of our naturally-inclined thought cascade and align it with Truth. Repetition creates muscle memory, and before we know it, disarming the enemy by taking every thought captive at its initiation gradually becomes our natural default.

I realize in these moments of defeat, my eyes are taken off Christ. I become more self-aware than God-aware. Somehow, though completely contrary to our human logic, investing our emotions, time, and energy into simply looking at Jesus is the key to living this life in freedom, fullness, and true victory.

I'm learning to focus less on being good... & more on His goodness. An awareness of God's grace & goodness lends to true transformation, beyond what our own will could ever yield. xo

[2 Corinthians 3:18- "And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit."]