Originated in Tulsa, Oklahoma, ZOE LIVING IS A BLOG BY andrea glenville. Her posts are intended to provoke purposeful, passionate, pro-active living by sharing insight into her favorite aspects of life through personal devotionals, Fitness chat, and Travel experiences.

Fear. Father. Freedom.


"For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."" - Romans 8:15

Fear can be an underlying presence in so many areas of our lives, most often unidentified for what it really is. Many actions, motives, insecurities, & aspects of our identity are altered or derived from fear of some nature... fear of being misunderstood, failure, commitment, the unknown, isolation, loneliness, a doctor's report, inadequacy, provision, instability, lack, responsibility, change, unfulfilled promises, etc. Unhealthy fears inhibit and cripple our potential and create a compromised "self" that is incapable of operating in the fullness that God intended for us to live in and out of.

The contrast in the above verse is amazing.

The writer counters "bondage again to fear" (it truly holds us captive) with "adoption*." Our recognition of our identity as His sons/daughters & the place we now occupy in His family shatters the presence of fear in our lives. His perfect Love not only gives us permission to live from a place of fearlessness & freedom, but the authority & courage to do so.

adoption = freedom from fear.

and freedom is contagious. xo



He is a Good Father.

He is a Good Father.