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He is a Good Father.

Ephesians 1:11 - ''In Him also we have obtained an inheritance, being presented according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.''

This verse is one that I have read multiple times before, but awhile back, I read it with renewed eyes. Much could be pulled from this verse due to the multiple topics therein as well as the original intentions of the author, but I only wish to focus on one component that has altered my expectations for and attitude toward my life and life as a whole. Solely consider the statement, ''Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will.''

 This verse, along with others that we can come across in Scripture, makes reference to His* will-- that each of our lives and purposes and journeys be intended to fulfill His will. I used to read this with a sense of angst and stubbornness (honesty hour). Then, it progressed to acceptance, yet still an underlying theme of disappointment. I was under the impression that I have no say in His plans for me - that my life is not my own, and, therefore, my dreams and joys in life are utterly disregarded and irrelevant. I believed the lie that I’m destined to lead a life that I would've never chosen had it been up to me but must agree to if I'm going to do this Christian thing...  begrudgingly accepting a ''BUT He's God, so it is what it is'' mentality. Others might have the mindset of, ''Forget this; I will live MY life and not be confined to the demands and life of a Cosmic Kill-joy.''

Might I propose that neither option is more satisfying than the other and that both options lend to an unfulfilling life without true joy and freedom. When we have a healthy and accurate picture of who God the Father is, His character, and His heart towards each of us, we can read this verse and others like it with a non-defensive heart that is free from bitterness, dread, doubt, and skepticism. When we are enlightened to the fact that our God is* love and, therefore, His DNA is only that which desires and brings fullness of life, goodness, and abundance to His children, we can rest assured that this expressed ''purpose'' and ''will” are beyond any purpose or plan we could construct for ourselves. We can trust the heart of our Heavenly Father. His will does not render us insignificant or simply “used” for His ultimate plan. Rather, our lives are more fascinating and elaborate puzzle pieces in a grand design and masterpiece than we could ever imagine. His will is goodness, prosperity, power, miracles, and it brings heaven to earth and glory to His name. We can read Scriptures like the one above with our only reasonable response being one of praise, gratitude, expectancy, and empowered living.

We have permission to let go of control of our lives, perfect planning, fears of the future, regrets of yesterday, and the striving of today. For those who have accepted Christ Jesus as his or her Savior, one can rest in His finished work, identity as a child of God, and the promise that His will for your life gives every reason for celebration and expectancy for the present moment, not to mention the eternal inheritance that is ours in Christ. [Jeremiah 29:11-13 – “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.] Our view of the Father is directly correlated to our expectations for our individual lives, as well as every element that life itself consists of. Our view of the Father is the source from which our peace, hope, joy, and love can truly abound, and a lack of an understanding of His true nature can just as directly inhibit our freedom and the fullness of life that He desires us to walk in. So, be encouraged!

Also noted: the verse states that He “works” all things according to His will. What a gentle reminder to each of us that He takes* the messes and poor circumstances that He Himself does not create yet uses to write a beautiful story; He delights in it. Our lives are constantly being redeemed, and we shall never arrive to a place beyond repair. xoxo